Wednesday, May 6, 2009


We have it, reserves of it that we aren't even aware of. The ability to contort and bend with conflict, to leap over gaping holes that open into the center of the earth, to hold up the entire weight of our dangling bodies with mere fingertips! We have a memory of battle that we have never undergone, an instinct for survival in anarchy that has not yet fallen upon us, a base of knowledge as fixed as the programming of the bee that "suggests" he pollinate his flower. Sometimes we feel a twitching in certain muscles which have lain dormant and unused, and we flex them, remembering what they are for.


Maria said...

Awesome, I'm speechless!

onesilentwinter said...

incredible strength, powerful writing!

What About The Girl? said...

Often times, we underestimate our own strength. Mind is a powerful thing. So is faith. We draw strength from within, from those who have gone before us, from a child, from...

Yes, it's there. Always waiting to be tapped :-)

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Isn't it all so amazing! We are beautifully and wonderfully made by the hand of the Master. That brings me such peace, knowing that I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Unknown said...

I needed this reminder today.

The way you have presented it is powerful. The muscles on the horses back pairs with the words perfectly.

kendalee said...

So true. I'm afraid sometimes that I've left some of my muscles unflexed for so long they have forgotten what they are for, but I think you are right - they'd remember if even slightly twitched.

Beautifully expressed.