Sunday, January 4, 2009

"As one realizes that one is a dream-figure in another person’s dream: that is self-awareness!" -Waking Life

One night you descend into sleep and find yourself standing ten feet across from her. You are told to take one giant step to the right, and I am suddenly there. Tiny yellow butterflies are flittering between us now and you are diving into my eyes. You see something and can't quite identify it, like a name on the tip of your tongue or a face you can't place, but you resolve to set it free. This moment goes on for years, and when it ends, three years pass in seconds
touching in rain giving life side by side a drawbridge a train wild hair above you tears that you can love away weightless in cold summer water the reflection of you in blue driving my fingers in your hair my arms cluthing your right one loving you in the shadows of twilight don't go yet just two more minutes you never know which "stay close this gets better" is going to be the last one let me kiss you how I feel
She shakes you awake and I am nothing now but a warm and pleasurable feeling that lingers, one you chase each night and one that your loved ones will never know of. A dream girl, not even me, just me in your eyes.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Your writing is intriguing, I'm passing your site also to my husband, not a blogger, but a literature teacher & writer of short stories, I think he will enjoy your post.